Well we got some EQ2 stuff today, so if your not sick of that yet, then LETS GO!
Yeah we got some altar dude.

A fun encounter. ^^

Looking good Cownosethecat!

I like this little pool here.

Another altar.

I got some new "fun" spells, zombieform.

And skeleton form.

Recently, there was a Brells Brew event! A nice way to get some kegs for your room and go on a fun quest. ^^ I like this event much more than the holiday ones. I agree with Troy over at Voyages of Vanguard and EQual Perspectives (two podcasts I listen to... which reminds me I have some things to add to my blogroll on the right) that holiday events suck. They really distract me from enjoying the game.
Anyways the event has dancing halflings!

And a brewery of the gods!

This screenshot may be simple, but these docks have a good atmospheric feeling to them.

I don't remember where I took it, but I like it. Seems I have seen this in other MMOs though. ^^ Must be a common theme...

more EVE plz
eve owns :P
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