Oh my gosh, I just realized I didn't take a note on who's cat this is! If you sent me this picture please comment so I can credit you.
I know.. you really can't read the sign but it says, "Hi Cow Nose the 50 Pound Cat!"
I even offered the gentleman 10m for this picture, but they refused saying they had plenty of money.
Thanks for the cat pic!
The 50 Pound Cat's MMO Adventures
I enjoy reading other peoples blogs about what they have accomplished in their games, so I decided to try and do it myself. This is the ongoing story of Cow Nose the 50 pound cat in her various incarnations.
Friday, March 29, 2013
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Gambling in EVE Online
Don't do it. Just don't! If you do... prepare to lose.
Gambling in EVE Online is just like gambling in real-life. It is fun, addicting, but ultimately it can end with you feeling cheated and miserable.
I never thought I would get into gambling in EVE. In this game you always are aware of scams and you keep a sharp eye out for them. Obviously, a non-official gambling website raises the scam-detectors.
So how does gambling in EVE work? Well, there is no official gambling services in the game (unless you count investing in the market as gambling, it is, and the many other risky activities in EVE). This is actually something I would love to see. I had great hopes that the "Walking in Stations" feature would include some form of in-game casino. Well, Walking in Stations didn't happen and neither did in-game casino's, but there is an alternative created by the playerbase. This alternative is the EVE Online gambling website. It works by keeping track of your character and it's balance on the website. For example, to gamble on Evealopalous you register your character and then send "x" amount of ISK to the "Evealopalous" corporation. This ISK will appear under your characters balance on the website and you can then gamble with it. Almost all EVE gambling websites work this way.
So, I've always wanted to gamble in EVE and without an official outlet I decided to try one of these website.
The first I tried was Evealopalous. Evealopalous features many games, but the most popular are the raffles and the "Grid". Raffles are just like they sound, you pay 10k ISK per raffle ticket and try to win valuable prizes. I got really burnt on these, I would buy anywhere from 30% of the raffle tickets to 80% of them. I never won.
I did however win on "The Grid". The Grid is kind of like minesweeper for ISK. You pay 2m per click and you have the potential to win clicks on other more expensive Grids or ISK prizes. This was where I won big. I won a "Grid piece" for 2m which lets me get a free click on the next higher tier of Grid (10m per click). Luckily, I won a click onto the next tier of grid with THAT free click.... finally, I won a prize, and it turned out to be 220m ISK! I was really happy about this, as it made up for much of what I lost with those damn raffles.
As you can see, I lost 218m ISK on those damn raffles. I took my 220m from the Grid and ran. Still, it was an interesting experience.
The other gambling website I tried was evetools.org. Evetools features scratchers and a slotmachine.
The slots where fun but unfortunately didn't pay out often enough, it was pretty easy to lose 80m and so I did!
Well, that's all for now. Fly safe and especially, GOOD LUCK!
Gambling in EVE Online is just like gambling in real-life. It is fun, addicting, but ultimately it can end with you feeling cheated and miserable.
I never thought I would get into gambling in EVE. In this game you always are aware of scams and you keep a sharp eye out for them. Obviously, a non-official gambling website raises the scam-detectors.
So how does gambling in EVE work? Well, there is no official gambling services in the game (unless you count investing in the market as gambling, it is, and the many other risky activities in EVE). This is actually something I would love to see. I had great hopes that the "Walking in Stations" feature would include some form of in-game casino. Well, Walking in Stations didn't happen and neither did in-game casino's, but there is an alternative created by the playerbase. This alternative is the EVE Online gambling website. It works by keeping track of your character and it's balance on the website. For example, to gamble on Evealopalous you register your character and then send "x" amount of ISK to the "Evealopalous" corporation. This ISK will appear under your characters balance on the website and you can then gamble with it. Almost all EVE gambling websites work this way.
So, I've always wanted to gamble in EVE and without an official outlet I decided to try one of these website.
The first I tried was Evealopalous. Evealopalous features many games, but the most popular are the raffles and the "Grid". Raffles are just like they sound, you pay 10k ISK per raffle ticket and try to win valuable prizes. I got really burnt on these, I would buy anywhere from 30% of the raffle tickets to 80% of them. I never won.
I did however win on "The Grid". The Grid is kind of like minesweeper for ISK. You pay 2m per click and you have the potential to win clicks on other more expensive Grids or ISK prizes. This was where I won big. I won a "Grid piece" for 2m which lets me get a free click on the next higher tier of Grid (10m per click). Luckily, I won a click onto the next tier of grid with THAT free click.... finally, I won a prize, and it turned out to be 220m ISK! I was really happy about this, as it made up for much of what I lost with those damn raffles.
As you can see, I lost 218m ISK on those damn raffles. I took my 220m from the Grid and ran. Still, it was an interesting experience.
The other gambling website I tried was evetools.org. Evetools features scratchers and a slotmachine.
The slots where fun but unfortunately didn't pay out often enough, it was pretty easy to lose 80m and so I did!
Well, that's all for now. Fly safe and especially, GOOD LUCK!
EVE Online,
slot machine,
Sunday, March 24, 2013
OMG I won a Plex
Haha, wooot! So, a chat channel that I frequent called "Radio Free Jita" (all the Jita, none of the spam) hosted a trivia contest, grand prize a PLEX, and guess who won?
It was a very exciting contest. First, I got a question 1/2 right and so the hosts gave me .5 points. (Oh I should explain, the contest was to see who could answer the most trivia questions correctly first in the span of 20 questions). Right then I had a feeling that the .5 points would be what makes the difference in a win or a loss... then I got another question correctly. Finally with 1 question remaining there where 4 potential winners! It all came down to the line! And... I got it correct. :) The question was, "What 3 countries does the US import the majority of its oil from?"
Here is my beautiful PLEX!
And the person who sponsored the contest. Thank you Ogeko!
It was a lot of fun and I think I will have to give back and host a trivia of my own.
It was a very exciting contest. First, I got a question 1/2 right and so the hosts gave me .5 points. (Oh I should explain, the contest was to see who could answer the most trivia questions correctly first in the span of 20 questions). Right then I had a feeling that the .5 points would be what makes the difference in a win or a loss... then I got another question correctly. Finally with 1 question remaining there where 4 potential winners! It all came down to the line! And... I got it correct. :) The question was, "What 3 countries does the US import the majority of its oil from?"
And the person who sponsored the contest. Thank you Ogeko!
It was a lot of fun and I think I will have to give back and host a trivia of my own.
EVE Online,
Ogeko Ronuken,
Radio Free Jita,
Friday, March 22, 2013
Vaccuming asteroids
The universe sure is a messy place, and someone needs to scoop up all those asteroids! Nothing much to report today, just a relaxing day mining with a little trading on the side. Hope everyone is having fun out there. :)
asteroid belt,
EVE Online,
mining barge,
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
How long would it take me to train all the skills in the game?
Two blogs in a month! I'm on a role! Seriously, I think I will start updating again and sharing with you my adventures in the wonderful universe of EVE online. I am not really the most exciting player, just a simple trader, but there are always things worth blogging about! (Especially if you are interested in my trading exploits)
Anyways, onto the content! I payed 7m ISK to Jita Poet for this nice little poem:
Great poem Jita Poe, well worth the ISK.
So, I was curious, how long would it take me to train every skill in EVE Online? (Note: this is for my character to train all the skills I'm missing, not a new character) The answer: 19.8 years! It would take 1368 skills, 7,132 days 5 hours and 23 minutes, and a whopping 23 billion worth of skillbooks.
Of course by the time 19.8 years passes I have a feeling there would be a few new skills by then. It's going to take me a long time to win this game!
Anyways, onto the content! I payed 7m ISK to Jita Poet for this nice little poem:
Welcome to my awesome blog of cats and MMOs,
Feel free to look around, the name's Cow Nose.
I go here to post all my adventures in EVE,
As well as any other games you'd like to see!
-Jita Poet
Great poem Jita Poe, well worth the ISK.
So, I was curious, how long would it take me to train every skill in EVE Online? (Note: this is for my character to train all the skills I'm missing, not a new character) The answer: 19.8 years! It would take 1368 skills, 7,132 days 5 hours and 23 minutes, and a whopping 23 billion worth of skillbooks.
Of course by the time 19.8 years passes I have a feeling there would be a few new skills by then. It's going to take me a long time to win this game!
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
When you are bored in Jita...
You do things like pay 20 million ISK for pictures of peoples cats.
Money well spent!
[edit] Got another one!
Soo cute! ^_^
Money well spent!
[edit] Got another one!
Soo cute! ^_^
Thursday, August 2, 2012
What I've Been Up To In EVE Online
Is it still called EVE Online? I mean, with the Online, part. You know, I really don't think it is anymore, I think they dropped it and the game is just called EVE now. Suits me just fine! Anyways, I would like to share with you what I've been up to in the grand universe of EVE Online! (I'm still going to call it that, that's how I learned it.)
Of course, as always, I've been mining a bit. OK I've been mining a lot. :) Which I really probably shouldn't even say due to the permanent Hulkageddon, but I'm not going to talk about that! The ISK has been the same as it always was, from what I remember, slow but steady. I actually have hopes of paying for my sub with ISK this time around using EVE's plex system. Yes I am a bit frugal, but also, the whole plex system is giving me a nice motivation to log on and make that ISK! More plex, means longer sub, longer sub means more skills and more gameplay options in the grand universe of EVE online.
Of course, as always, I've been mining a bit. OK I've been mining a lot. :) Which I really probably shouldn't even say due to the permanent Hulkageddon, but I'm not going to talk about that! The ISK has been the same as it always was, from what I remember, slow but steady. I actually have hopes of paying for my sub with ISK this time around using EVE's plex system. Yes I am a bit frugal, but also, the whole plex system is giving me a nice motivation to log on and make that ISK! More plex, means longer sub, longer sub means more skills and more gameplay options in the grand universe of EVE online.
I have been up to more then just mining, another one of the reasons why I'm having a blast this time around. When I resubbed to EVE I was informed that I had a number of skill points saved up that I could put anywhere I wanted! This is rather unusual as EVE skills train over time. The reason I got these extra skill points, I'm sure this is not news to you current EVE players reading this, is because they decided to remove the "Learning" skills in the game, which previously sped up a pilots skill training time. Anyways, back to my original story and the screenshot, I sunk all the skills points (some 5 million) I had to spend into laser skills and Amarr ship skills!
So, I decided to ditch the boring old Gallente ships I had been piloting and try something totally new. I'm glad I did because the Amarr ships are absolutely beautiful. Plus, they really kick ass! I've gotten further in EVE's PvE mission-running then previously, all the way to Level 3 missions. The ship I've been flying in these mission is the Harbinger you see above. She really does a lot of damage but she definitely needs to be watched. There have been some missions where I just scraped by. One major reason why I'm running these missions is to gain faction standing with the NPCs who own the station where I refine my minerals at. Even though mission running is time consuming, I know reducing that tax on my refining to 0% will really pay off in the long run. Assuming I stay in the same system that is! I like where I've been hiding at though and I don't plan on moving anytime soon. I would even like to start stocking the stations around my space and learn how to haul.
Safe flying wherever you may find yourself.
EVE Online,
level 3,
mining barge,
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Greetings EVE Players!
Greetings EVE players, and a big hello to anyone else reading this blog. A few days ago playing EVE another pilot commented on my blog. I then realized that I had placed an advertisement for the blog in my profile. EVE players, being a clicky lot, are likely to end up here having clicked on that link in my profile.
Realizing this, its perhaps inspired me to at least think about blogging again. Now, I haven't made a decision, but I would like to get the opinion of anyone who is reading this blog. Should I start up again? Would you like to read about what I've been up to in EVE and adventures I've had? Thank you very much.
PS: I would enjoy blogging again. I'm not looking for replies like, "do what makes you happy," or that sort of thing.
Realizing this, its perhaps inspired me to at least think about blogging again. Now, I haven't made a decision, but I would like to get the opinion of anyone who is reading this blog. Should I start up again? Would you like to read about what I've been up to in EVE and adventures I've had? Thank you very much.
PS: I would enjoy blogging again. I'm not looking for replies like, "do what makes you happy," or that sort of thing.
EVE Online,
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Maybe a GM pulled the plug because we won?

Let me explain the story behind the picture above. My clan and I besieged a city, here we all are gearing up and getting ready for the big fight.
Long story short... we won the siege!
Then... servers crashed... and rolled back... looks like we didn't win the siege after all.
Oh well, tomorrow is another day, and we will try again! I promise, I will keep in touch, Cow Nose the 50 Pound Cat signing off.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Fun In The Alfar Lands
Ahh.... just another day in wonderfully Agon, and a nice little bit of hate on good old Cthulhu. ;)
First however I would like to tell you about poor Mk. I was marking a runestone, when he decided to stormblast up to my location above the bank in Shoal. It was then that his explosion caught me with it's blast as he tried to get up the last few feet. Needless to say, the Alfar guard towers made short work of him. Poor guy. Oh well1 That's what he gets for messing with me, hehe.
I got this after declaring war on The Industry.
Hey and look! A crafter from The Industry! I love crafters!

cownose the50poundcat,
mkultra fatale,
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