Ahh.... just another day in wonderfully Agon, and a nice little bit of hate on good old Cthulhu. ;)

First however I would like to tell you about poor Mk. I was marking a runestone, when he decided to stormblast up to my location above the bank in Shoal. It was then that his explosion caught me with it's blast as he tried to get up the last few feet. Needless to say, the Alfar guard towers made short work of him. Poor guy. Oh well1 That's what he gets for messing with me, hehe.

I got this after declaring war on The Industry.

Hey and look! A crafter from The Industry! I love crafters!
Haha, gotta love it. I know I've seen that guys name in chat before, and I last played a little while ago.
Thats pretty good. LOL
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