Well what new things have I been exploring and seeing? The world of Norrath!
I played EQ2 right when it was launched and have played it off and on since then. It's a great game with a wonderful world. It has it's flaws but also its pluses.
Well, I will be talking more about Norrath as I get deeper in. For now, lets take a look at the Isle of Refuge! This is the place where trial accounts have their fun, as well as the first place you start as a new character.
Some history on the Isle of Refuge: It used to have an instance where you are on this boat and you get attacked by a drake and the boat crashes and you end up on the Isle. Was this taken out? Perhaps I just had the tutorial disabled, as it is basically a tutorial. Also, the Island used to be for both Qeynos and Freeport and you would be able to talk to both sides and make a decision on where you wanted to go. Now you are either one or the other and the whole island is either Qeynos controlled or Freeport controlled (the monsters are a bit different depending on which side).

There is a great painting at the top of the Tower of Something. I imagine that it is a painting of
the entrance to the Plane of Fear.

OK well that is all for the Isle of Refuge! I enjoyed it, did every quest there was to do, and I got some good shots in the process. Next stop.... Freeport!

In the center of every ghetto in Freeport there is some kind of special monument. In the center of the Scale Yard there is this statue. In my opinion it kind of sucks... I mean it's a great statue there is nothing wrong with it but in Freeport there are statues all over the place! What makes this one any different? Oh, and another interesting detail, in Freeport all the races are doubled up and separated into ghettos. Iksar and Barbarians, Dark Elfs and Trolls (I think) etc. etc.
I feel sorry for those Barbarians in the Iksar ghetto because Iksar are dedicated to the elimination of every other race... oh well. Perhaps the overlord thought they where the only race both smart enough to avoid the Iksar and strong enough to fight them if they did get into a tiff.

OK well that is all for now, I can't wait to get back to it and see more! There is soooo much to show you in EverQuest 2.
Sheesh! I guess I really am feeling a bit of EQ2 nostalgia. I may have to get that flippin expansion after all. Nice write-up.
They did away with the combined good/evil islands in beta. After a year or two, they finally removed the NPCs that referred to the representatives of the other side who weren't there...
Nice blog!
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