Things have been going well in Lineage 2. I find I still enjoy the game quite a bit, and I look forward to playing it in the future.

Here I am relaxing by a lazy river.

And, fighting back the local monsters.
That said, I will be taking a break from Lineage 2 for the time being! I'm sure that I will be back at some point, but you know me, I don't like to stay in one place for too long.
I hope you get a few posts in about UO here and there--I'd be curious to hear about the state of the game and what the community is like nowadays.
Oh boy you're gunna like my next set of blogs then! ;D
Don't forget to play Deal or No Deal UO style on Saturdays, 6:00pm EST.
It's a fun event, and you can listen live through their streaming broadcast.
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