I enjoy reading other peoples blogs about what they have accomplished in their games, so I decided to try and do it myself. This is the ongoing story of Cow Nose the 50 pound cat in her various incarnations.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Campfire's In Darkfall

Monday, January 25, 2010
A Tour of Sorgom

Friday, January 22, 2010
Exploring even further around the city Sorgom

What an evil looking thing!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Exploring More
Monday, January 18, 2010
Skeleton Ruins

Saturday, January 16, 2010
Goblin' shootin!

Hehe, gotta love this! The sign says "No Sign Shootin!" and of course it's full of arrows... always nice to see little unique things in the world.
Goblins are really fairly useless to kill. They give you some skill ups, some harvesting tools, and a little bit of gold. But really there are far better monsters to hunt then goblins.
Nonetheless the shamans are a little tough and if your not carefull the goblins can definitely kill you. Always gotta stay sharp in DarkFall.
This area has treated me pretty good too, I've only been ganked twice in the week I've been here.
Professor makes an appearance in this shot.
Thanks and stay tuned for more!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
A Return To Darkfall, and To Blogging!
And yet, I don't exactly look at it like that. Blogging is something I truly enjoy doing. That is why this blog will not "blog-fade" because I will blog no matter what! I like this stuff, and I have missed doing it. So with my return to DarkFall I return to this blog and hopefully I can share some great adventures. :)
With my return I must escape my current location and return to a place of refuge. You see, I left DarkFall in a clan called 420. So when I returned to the world I was in 420's city and no longer a member of the clan. (Like other PvP MMOs, DarkFall limits the amount of people in a clan and in a city, so I was kicked out to make room for active players, I plan to re-join 420 eventually)
420 IS a PvP clan, so their city is really not a safe place to be. So I set off for my homelands, the Alfar lands, where I know I have a place of refuge!
The above screenshot is the first Alfar city I came across. After leaving the green lands of the elves, the Mahirim, this city was the first beacon of hope I came across.
The desert is full of strange, and dangerous, plants!
Darkfall has two moons, a blue one...
And a red one!
I'm going to rest here tonight, and try to get deeper into the Alfar lands to the south tomorrow. Wish me luck!
(edit: this was supposed to go up yesterday, oh well, you can read this one first and the previous post 2nd if you wish to stay in order, no big deal)
Continuing the Dark Fall adventure
(some time later)

Sorgum will be my new place of resource and refuge, a starting point for my adventures over the next month or so. I still plan to re-join 420 before too long, but this will be a great place to train myself.

Tomorrow... some action shots!