It's a sad day when an MMO dies... I know Deviant Realms was just a server but it was MY server you know?
All the time spent... I had such grand plans. I know I have been playing EVE but I had always planned on playing Lineage 2 a bit here and there when I got bored of EVE. Now... I just don't know.
There is a new Lineage 2 server starting up. One with 15x rates as opposed to DR's 3x rates. I may play there with my friends... there is not much more I can say! Goodbye DR, rest in peace, we will not forget you!!!
(This is another reason why I am hesitant to play Supreme L2, this new server, what if it gets wiped too? I think I should just stick with EVE... because I know it will be around for a long time to come)
Sent u xfire invite ill be seeing u online :P
Late comment
There is alot of MMO's out there.
I got to 9 dragons when i get bored in EvE.
i to am sad for this great loss. I was on deviant realms on and off for the past 2 years and now it gone. If i ever play again itll be on officials.
Wow...to bad, it was a fun server, I was thinking of going back to L2 today and tried to get the DR site...heh...Its ValimarDucat if your wondering :P
Wow...to bad, it was a fun server, I was thinking of going back to L2 today and tried to get the DR site...heh...Its ValimarDucat if your wondering :P
Yeah, Deviant Realms is gone. A lot of Deviant Realms that is still playing Lineage 2 are now playing on the 5x rate server on Supreme L2. I am playing there too. :P
Even tho I quit a month before it happened I still miss that god damn place...
it was a sad day for the world when DR was closed ... but the even saddest thing is if DR still oppens it won't be as before ... it's imposible to be because most of them left for other servers and won't come back and others like Kalli or Aeorlyn has started e real life ... i get very sad when i think about the good times when i was a noob there and tried to do something ... we must say that we were lucky to get so musch good people in one place.. i think we must move on , the past is gone ... love you DR you will be in our hearts... FROM ONEAL
Hello.Keikan here.
Since DR had been closed I has been dreaming that it would be rebirth of it.
But there is no sign of restart my beloved Alexandria.
I spent 3 years there..
Now I am playing on Destiny.But it is not the same..
Hello just found this site while serfing the net...thought of droping a line .... hope everything is ok...
Someday, somehow... i just hope i'll meet some of DRs players in AION
I was simply surfing the net and decided to google Deviant Realms, thats how I got here. Writing down some lines to cherish good memories about my first real Lineage 2 experience.
Deviant Realms was a great community where quality ruled over quantity. It is actually pretty funny that even after all this time, after everything I have learned about Lineage and all the different servers I have tried, I still remember what it was like to play in DR. Thinking about it makes me feel really nostalgic and in some ways sad I guess. I'll never be the same noob again. How fun it was to explore L2 with good friends and help out each other, oh well time sure does fly.
Well I hope everyones doing great. Keep up the memories, perhaps we will meet again somewhere.
Ps. I bumped into some players in another server that were originally from Deviant Realms, we had a nice chat about the good old times. If you do some searching you will find familiar names still playing Lineage scattered over different servers that at some point played in DR.
Wow! I ended up writing more then I was originally planning and now all these memories have made me sad. Oh well cheers anyway!
L2 at Deviant Realms was my first MMO-experience. I couldn't have gotten a better start, and I loved the server and the people there. Nowhere else I've been playing L2 at has had such a good and friendly community.
It might sound very nerdish, but DR is one of the best memories of my youth...uhm..not that I'm not young anymore ;D
It was a sad day the one I was told DR went down, but it seems to have happen ages ago!...
...still, all those posts of mine... gone, FOREVER!!!...
Now really, it was a shame DR went down, but all things come to an end sooner or later and I guess DR still stood there long after it's time had come, strugling to stay alive and managing to do so for quite a while before the plug came out.
I bet my heart that many of us will long remember DR, not for the server itself but rather for the unique comunity, wich stood together and went along series of bad moments for a good bunch of years.
It was with a big satisfaction that I found Cat blog on the very top of my google search for DR :)
Seen the blog back then when we had a forum to spam, but it all went away after DR came down. Now I find a place where I can actually find some written memories of that good ol' comunity :)
Cheers from your good old spammer,
aww poor kitty =(
*pet pet
RIP Deviant Realms. First and maybe last MMO experience. Tabbie rules!
master Tabbie...miss him
Master Tabbie is now playing EVE Online quite a bit. He doesn't seem to want to go back to Lineage atm, but he's been asked!
Bobsmith [Scourge]
DR - come back agin!!!
I have been playing on other servers, but none of them can comapre to Alex...
faithful Warlord - Keikan
Hiho Folks
maybe u remeber me miss the good old times.
Ur Migthy Souls
I was passing by an decided to write few words..DR was so nice place..If i remmember Elay shuld have a copy of the server Database..Master Tabbie invited me to Eve,but i think 1 mmo is more the enough..Hope u guys are doin OK.
Greetings from an friendly Elven Elder :)
It's so nice to see the comments continue, thank you everyone for saying hello and maybe sharing a memory.
DR won't be easily forgotten!
Awww I loved DR, best L2 server ever. Many happy memories.
"Epic" Clan Leader - Atlante (Snowball was my alt :) )
can't get over it either lol
Ah man...I really miss DR. No other server could match DR's level of fun with its small community...i still think about the battles and stuff we would have. Good times...
I remember you AmmoWaster, hello there!
DR was awesome. Haven't played any other MMO since!
<3 to everyone I knew,
I was feeling a bit nostalgic for the people of DR, so I went looking for any remnants still around and I found YOU! After reading through a few pages of your blog here, it looks like you've stayed with MMO gaming through the years. I for the most part have as well but I still have not met a group of people or a community like that of DR. It was just so good!!!
Much love;
Hi guys..
I just thought i'd comment on here. I used to play on DR. I was chatting with a friend a little while back and we thought we'd have a go at an L2 server see if we could get everyone together again so started a server same kinda rates etc.
We wanted deviantrealms.com but sadly its still taken..
I too used to play on DR, i have tried manny servers, but like that one which had the best comunity NONE.
Hi to everyone here who have posted, Keno, uwai, tabbie, everyone, i love you all and miss you a lot!
Wow it's nice to see that DR community is still alive ;)
CowNose I am wondering where did you get that picture from? ;) It was prepared by me just to inform my former clannies about what has happened in that sad day... I have taken few screenshots back then but as you can see the admin message is a little bit incomplete. The problem was that I didn't know what they were up to at the very beginning. But I believe the message and the main reason for closing was clear enough anyways...
If anyone is interested I've just dug out my old presentation (made in Macromedia Director) made to commemorate all the time I have spent on Alex. You can download it from this location: http://www.exilor64.dami-rz.pl/BB_DR_FIXED.exe
It was prepared mostly for my former clannies but you can find other well know names in there too ;)
I still miss DR and all the extraordinary people that used to dwell in there :( Best wishes to all former DR community!
Nothing is forgotten and it never will be!
Thank's for the reply Exilea! amazing to see this post is still going strong. I do not remember who sent me the image in this post, it was probably one of your clan members. I think I found it in IRC or perhaps someone e-mailed it to me, I wasn't able to find out. When I first made this post I didn't have any picture to put up, I was offline when the servers came down that final time. Thanks to you Exilea we have those last moments documented!
Deviant Realms was a great shard, and no, it will never be forgotten. Keep up the good memories my friends!
Greetings to all the old DR people!
Now that the official game is Free to play, are there any of the old DR folks playing there now?
- Syhn
I am an old Deviant Realms player.
I play in official server magmeld.
My nickname in DR was Persefoni.
My nickname in Magmeld is Euridice.
(send me mail if I am offline)
I would be very happy if I see again some old friends from DR.
my best L2 friends were my DR friends.
DR has the best community.
Here is Moonlight dropping some words... Deviant Realms was VERY VERY, special to me. That was my very first online experience playing with my friends in a game. It was a new Universe for me. I´ve created the first clan lvl 3, lvl 5 and i was the first alliance leader in Alexandria server when it started to roll. I was the first one to get an top C weapon and a B grade avadon RObe in the serverwith my spellsinger.
I was in the top 3 player list by level and also touched the first place... Those days being a teenager playing all day certainly were really funny...
There were TONS of bugs that my colleagues and me helped to fix (Dreadwolf still owes me some money LOL) , one of them was some item that i should get doing the lvl 5 clan quest at cementery... Anyways, an experience like that will never come again. I HOPE ALL OF YOU HAVE A GREAT LIFE AND LIVE HAPPY FOR EVER. If we met in heaven or something like that i hope we can start Deviant realms again and play together once more ^^
Thank you Moonlight for your kind words.
DR community still alive !!
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