Then on my second trip to zero zero space I was blown up by some pirates. It was my own fault, I should have had someone scout out the system for me. I learn something new every day!
Here is a picture of my hauler.

I like the red/green look of this solar system.

This is my friends ship, I think its a hauler but it might be used for something else, I'm not sure. I like the red windows.

This is a jump gate! I don't think I really even need to describe it, the name says it all. It's used to skip dangerous space and get to our space easier.

Looks cool when I jump too.

Here I am getting blown up, lol, by pirates.

I just love these new stations. Trinity is awesome!

Floating around in my pod... they blew that up too.

owned - max4242
Yes, that ship is a Minmatar Hauler, the biggest one for that race, i'm not sure but I think it has the biggest cargo space as well.
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