Well, my time is up with World of Warcraft. I have had some adventures, seen a lot of sights, but all good things DO come to an end. WoW is a very fun game, it controls well, it has depth, and it is attractive. I really was biased towards the game, and it pleasantly surprised me.
So what made me quit? Well, I was doing alright, having fun. I got into the low 30's and so started looking for a new place to adventure out side of the marshlands (this is with my mage, who is very fun to play by the way) and I came to the Arathi basin. Well, the Arathi Basin was an allright zone... but it had those same spiders which I loved so much, but BIGGER. And the same dino's from the marshlands, but bigger! (Well, I don't think they where actually bigger, but just higher level). And I don't know, in that moment I just got burnt out on the game and decided it wasn't for me.
As a sort of last hurrah I decided to go into the Horde lands and see what sites there where to see. I don't remember many names of what things where called, but I got some GREAT shots! So... lets just get to it!

Ah, isn't this a beautiful shot? Just lovely... well don't go away there is more after this!

Same shot, different angle. Just as beautiful.

I'm sure most WoW players will recognize this place, I don't know what it is but it is very cool looking. I'm sure there is a good story behind it. This is close to the 2nd newbie area for night elfs.

Treckin' through the badlands yeaaah!

Mm yeah, I like this horde stuff. But, it's kind of more exciting from an alliance perspective. Feels like the land itself is against me!

Great action shot!

No words can describe this shot!

The land itself is against her!

New Mexico (my homeland) looks like this. Oh, by the way, you can check out New Mexico and other real life pictures in my blog American Roast! Just look for it linked on the left.

OK I don't know what is inside there, but gross!


For being a game with a low amount of pixels and that sort of thing, WoW can really pull off a great forest.


Well, that's that! Goodbye World of Warcraft! It's been fun, I can honestly say I enjoyed my stay. I really can see, what everyone else is talking about. Ta-ta for now!