Yes, it has a terrible name. I know. I think we all know. Still, I was pleasently surprised by this new free-to-play (maybe) MMO coming out from.. Asia? I want to say Korea, caus' that is where it seems like all the F2P games are coming from, but I don't know for sure... hey this ain't a reporting-type of blog!
Anyways, I really wasn't expecting to like Requiem very much but I really fell in love with it! I like the art style, and while the gore turned me off at first I quickly got used to it. The controls are smooth and easy, and the animations are good. I like the atmosphere too.
I have now heard (since it is out of beta, I played this in beta) that the game will be largely un-playable without using pay services, so I am not sure if I am going to play this one. I just don't know if I like micro-payment kind of things. Still, I had fun exploring the world of Requiem and I got some good screenshots, so let's get to it!

You start out looking at this, teleport-thing. For a free MMO Requiem has some pretty good graphics!

This is the entrance to the first city you come across. It's not a bad looking city by any means, but there is one strange thing, everything is outside! There are no in-doors places in Requiem as far as I can tell. Some inability on the developers part to produce the code for in-doors stuff? I suspect that is the case!

This is my character, Cow Nose something, (hehe, well what else could it be? I think she is named CowNoseKitty, I forget) It was when I saw this character that I really fell in love with the Requiem: Bloodymare design. For one, she is hot as hell. That is a plus. But there are a number of other things which set her apart from other MMORPGs. She has an asymmetrical design! One hand is way bigger then the other. There are a number of other things in Requiem that are asymmetrical, and I really like that. Also, her legs are made of metal! And they look really vicious, but practical, like they are really designed to make her the perfect killer.

Inside the city there is this very interesting building. I'm not sure exactly what it is for, but I suspect it has something to do with altering your genes.

And of course, I have to show you the bloody Reqiuem combat! Aren't the monsters disgusting in this game?

Smack! Crunch! Splurt!

See, the art in this game is dark gloomy and interesting! I like the style, I really do.

No game is complete without a giant mushroom!

And finally, me showing off some new armor. More next week, thank you for reading!
1 comment:
Looks cool....but I have WAY too many MMOs on my plate to even think about another one. :P
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