Well, I have made one major change in my L2 career already. I decided to drop the Kamael. She was pretty and stuff, and I didn't hate the whole fencing-thing. (I have fenced in real-life for a number of years) but in the end she just wasn't the right fit for me. In Lineage 2 getting the right character is an important step. With leveling being what it is, you just don't have the time to make a gazillion alts like you do in other games. (Though of course I make a gazillion alts and different characters anyways.)
So you will see in the pictures below that I have deleted my Kamael so that I could use the name on a different character.

Smack! Human Females aren't for everyone, but I really like them. I think it's the animation I like most about human females in Lineage.


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