So instead I have spent a good amount of my time killing animals and skinning them, and from them I got some rare skins which I then sold for three gold! If you don't play vanguard then you might be wondering how much 3g is actually worth. (For example plat in EQ2 is fairly common, or Lineage 2's millions of adena) 3g is enough to get my my first horse 30 times over. Or it is enough to buy you two really awesome swords that would last you till about level 20. So I'm not rich yet but it's still a good chunk of money.
I've been hunting in the blighted lands. One of the first things I saw was this far-off volcano. I wonder what is in it? Or is it even a volcano?
And onto a different adventure... I figured out that you have 10 slots for items to list on the broker per continent. I had quickly filled up Kojan's broker so I set off to find the other two exchanges.
I took a wrong boat and ended up on the Orc island north of Cai'Brail (the woodelfs home).
After running from that orc I went back to my island on Kojon and found a peaceful beach.
Finally back at home I was able to enjoy this nice sunset. I try not to post pictures that are too dark but this one is just so pretty.