Hello, and good day everyone! Today's blog is just going to be some screens of my explorations around Agon. Agon is a huge world and there is plenty to see and explore! Exploration is all the more exciting in Darkfall because you never know who might try to kill you!

This first image is a simple one. Just training my magic skills on some skeletons in the Alfar lands.

After skeleton hunting, I go and relax under a giant mushroom.

Next, now this is much further away, I make it east to Hammerdale. Hammerdale is controlled by NEW and is a neutral city, a decent place to re-gear and stock up if you are in the area. NEW is a Darkfall clan that welcomes all new members so that they can be taught the inner-workings of DF and PvP.

I ran into this wolf guy while in Hammerdale, scary!

And finally, I wanted to share this picture of a lighthouse.