One way for clans to make gold in Darkfall is to capture villages. Villages are where people can have their own player-owned home. There is a limited number of these available across the entire server so they are very expensive and highly coveted. The reward for capturing a village is only around 2,000 gold. Really, not much in the big picture of things. It's for this reason that very rarely will you run into another person when trying to capture a village and so usually they aren't the PvP hotspots I think AV originally intended them to be.

Here we are coming up to the village now.

Here is the control point. All we need to do is destroy it, and the village will be under the control of Cthulhu! Siege hammers and battlespikes are used for destroying buildings and control points like this. So, we equip our siege hammers and go to work...

And there we are! Not too bad for about an hour's work, and the gold in the clan bank will be nice.
1 comment:
canna owns you!
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