I enjoy reading other peoples blogs about what they have accomplished in their games, so I decided to try and do it myself. This is the ongoing story of Cow Nose the 50 pound cat in her various incarnations.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Shartak update! Completed circut of Shartak

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
CowNoseTheElf Turns Level 40!
You haven’t seen many pictures of CowNoseTheElf lately because I have been focusing my efforts on CowNoseTheKitty, my human character. However, I decided to level my elf up to level 40 so that my clan, SilverMoon, could get Clan Reputation points from my leveling. See, in Lineage 2 clans have an incentive to recruit new players in the game, and that’s in the form of Clan Reputation points. You get the points when a new recruit hits level 40.
And here I am, ding! Level 40! *Does the happy level dance!*
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Some Fun in Catacombs

Friday, November 28, 2008
Just Playing Around With Settings
Thursday, November 27, 2008
The Tower of Insolence

Swimming around the Isle of Shartak

I'm making progress in my goal of swimming around the entire island of Shartak. I so far have made it past the farthest point I got my last attempt, and I have managed to avoid cannibalistic natives, angry outsiders, and ferocious sharks. Not much further to go and I'll have made it around the entire Island!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Rockin' Out The Forest of Mirrors

Friday, November 21, 2008
The Barrier

In Lineage 2 there exists a part of the land infected with a strange fungus. This fungus, or fungi, infects everything it touches. It corrupts the land and the monsters, it's a great evil and a great danger. Thankfully, the magicians of Aden have used their powerful magics to create a barrier that keeps the infectious spores from spreading.
Well anyways, check out these pics of the barrier!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
C Grade!

Thursday, November 13, 2008
Hunting around Death Pass

Hunting in Death Pass, the grass surrounding me.

Action pose!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
To the east, always to the east.

On the island of Shartak there is a conch shell rumored to hold great power. There is only one of these shells on the island and it is passed by blood from person to person. (You must kill the conch bearer to obtain it.)
What are the conch's powers? I don't know. I have yet to obtain it, though truthfully I haven't been looking for it as I care more for the hunt then for anything material.
Perhaps someday I will blow the conch!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Silver Moon
So when I found SilverMoon I was pretty happy.
SilverMoon isn't the perfect clan for me and I'll get into why, but I have been making an effort to fit in because I like the people in the clan and it's nice to have a place to call home.
SilverMoon doesn't do clan wars or PvP, it's a 100% carebear clan. And that's fine. Because really, if you look at what I actually spend my time doing in Lineage it is 90% carebear and 10% PvP.
So in joining SilverMoon I had to lay down the sword and stop PKing people. However, a member explained to me that if you PK too many people you can get on the bad side of the big clans and they can make it very difficult for you to level in the end game.
Basically SilverMoon tries to play it nice and not make any enemies. This is why I like Lineage 2's PvP! I would like to see Warhammer have such a level of politics and intrigue. (That is why to me Lineage 2's PvP is more "real" while Warhammer's is more of a "game")

Friday, November 7, 2008
Dr Oleg I'll get you!

I log in today to find that I have been under attack! Thankfully the person wasn't able to finish me off... Who are you Dr Oleg?
Well I did a bit of sleuthing, and I found that Dr Oleg has only killed 3 pirates. So he is not a major PKer. And yet... I see that one of his most recent pirate kills was a member of my Anti-PK clan the Bloody Jewel! Is this guy a Jewel hunter? What did we do to him?
I don't know the answers to these questions, but perhaps someday I will find out.
I tried to track were Dr Oleg went but with all this water around it's hard to find a good trail. (I found his tracks at one point, but they just went into the river, and I couldn't find them again on the other side.)
But who knows, Shartak IS an Island and chances are I will run into this Dr Oleg again to exact my revenge!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
I knew it would happen, did you?
Fresh Water

In the days ahead I plan to continue my exploration of the island. Here, let me show you my map.
As you can see, I spent the last few weeks swimming the west coast of Shartak. I was unfortunately attacked by a shark somewhere around the southern part of the island. Injured but not dead I managed to make my way to York but unfortunately before I was able to get healing a hostile outsider killed me.
Thankfully, the native shamans here on the island weild incredibal powers. They have the ability to draw your soul back to your body and return you to life. That is why I am now back in the NE part of the Island.
This time I plan to try and swim the east coast of the island. I will keep you update on my progress in the days ahead.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
The Last Grimmwold Post (for now)

Well, that's all for now! There is a good chance I will return to Grimmwold again someday but for now I am off to other lands. I would just like to say that Grimmwold is an amazing private roleplaying shard! Grimmwold has one of the most amazing communities I have ever seen in a private UO server. I have been playing on RP servers for many years now so believe me I know what I'm talking about when I say that Grimmwold is the best! I would like to thank Lara and the other admins at Grimmwold. I would also like to thank everyone who roleplayed with me. :)

Sunday, November 2, 2008
The next day
Saturday, November 1, 2008
The Windmill

Nope... this won't work, I can't eat vegetables!