Ah well, all good things must come to an end. It's no fault of Grimmwold that I am leaving, it's just my nature. I can't stay in one place for long. So, in my last moments on Grimmwold I decided to take a little tour and visit some of the sights there are to see.

These guards are actually rather new, there have been some troubles in Grimmwold lately and people just feel safer with a guard at the gates.

One last visit to the windmill to stock up on rat carcasses for eating later.

After eating those rats, I set off to exlore.

And look what I found! Some amazing hotsprings! I didn't go in them (it was hard enough walking here on the snow) but I'm sure big people really enjoy these.
Well, that's all for now! There is a good chance I will return to
Grimmwold again someday but for now I am off to other lands. I would just like to say that Grimmwold is an amazing private roleplaying shard! Grimmwold has one of the most amazing communities I have ever seen in a private UO server. I have been playing on RP servers for many years now so believe me I know what I'm talking about when I say that Grimmwold is the best! I would like to thank Lara and the other admins at Grimmwold. I would also like to thank everyone who roleplayed with me. :)

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